Columbus NAACP leader calls for action after personal data leaked in ransomware attack

A Columbus community leader is calling for more city action following last month’s ransomware attack that ended with nearly a quarter-million stolen city files being dumped on the dark web.

“I am stunned that my name is on the list and my address, that is troublesome, ” said Nana Watson, President of the Columbus Chapter of the NAACP.

Watson is among hundreds of thousands of people whose personal information was discovered on the dark web after a data breach that stole city worker passwords, log-ins and driver’s license information belonging to people who used the ID to enter Columbus City Hall.

“I got to go to city council every now and then,” Watson said, “that’s troublesome to me because I am with the NAACP and I don’t want my information out there like that.”

ABC 6 also discovered Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther’s driver’s license information in a stolen database on the dark web…

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