Extension Can Help You Learn Something New

Submitted By: Leah Fronk, Penn State Extension Horticulture Educator

A new year has a way of making us think about the 12 months in front of us and what we want to experience or accomplish. As an Extension educator, I must continue to learn research and product updates related to the vegetable and fruit growers I serve. You can incorporate the idea of learning something new or improving upon a current skill at any time in the year, and we don’t need to wait for a new year or a new week to begin. Here we are at the end of the first month, and it’s just as good a time as any to take the next step towards your intention.

In my free time, my hobbies or pastimes involve growing something or being outside. Over a year ago, I had a desire to learn about earthworm composting, or vermicompost – something new to me. I read about the subject, gathered supplies on hand, and bought a few I didn’t. I made a couple of mistakes along the way, and while I could improve my set-up, I have a nice colony of red wigglers that makes fantastic compost for my houseplants…

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