Many of TMI’s neighbors want the nuclear plant turned back on, but….
Constellation Energy, owner of Three Mile Island nuclear plant Unit 1, at right, is planning to bring the power station back online by 2028. September 20, 2024. Dan Gleiter | [email protected] Dan Gleiter | [email protected]

MIDDLETOWN – Initial hometown reaction to news that the nation’s most notorious nuclear power plant could be reopened is nuanced.

Constellation Energy, owners of Three Mile Island Unit One, said Friday that they will seek Nuclear Regulatory Commission approval to suspend decommissioning activities and restart the reactor, hopefully to bring it back online by 2028.

Everybody sees the inherent benefit to the community in the re-establishment of 600 jobs, many of them paying $80,000 and up, plus biennial refueling shutdowns that will bring in up to 1,000 more temporary construction jobs to local economies for weeks at a time…

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