How to have heartfelt conversations with your grandchild | Opinion

You just pick up your grandchild from school and ask them how their day was or what they did at school. You are excited to hear what they have to say, but the only response you get is “ Good .” or “ Nothing .” Are you tired of feeling you are the only one talking in the conversation? You love them so much and want to hear about their day, but you’re only getting one-word answers. Here is a quick lesson to get your grandbabies to have real conservations with you.

Start with open-ended questions that lead to detailed answers. These questions often begin with how, what, where, or who. The goal is not to ask a question with a yes or no answer.

Here are a few example questions: What did you eat for lunch? Who or what did you play with on the playground? What made you smile today?

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