Kentucky lawmakers will consider bill to pay for wrongfully convictions

Kentucky lawmakers will, for the third legislative session in a row, consider creating a fund to compensate people who were wrongfully convicted and incarcerated.

If the bill becomes law, people convicted of a felony who are able to prove their innocence will be entitled to $65,000 for each year of incarceration, $75,000 for each year spent on death row and $32,500 for each year spent on parole, post-incarceration supervision or as a registered sex offender. The money would come from the state’s general fund.

Rep. Jason Nemes , a Republican from Middletown, introduced similar legislation the previous two legislative sessions. Lawmakers on the interim joint committee on Judiciary held a hearing on the subject this past summer. Nemes said he’s gotten positive feedback from other lawmakers and believes he has the support to pass the legislation into law…

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