Poor sleep quality linked to faster brain aging, study finds


The Brief:

  • Poor sleep quality is associated with accelerated brain aging, according to a recent study.
  • People with more sleep issues had brain ages up to 2.6 years older than those with fewer issues.
  • Experts suggest prioritizing sleep quality to reduce risks of cognitive decline.

LOS ANGELES New research published in Neurology shows that poor sleep quality is linked to signs of accelerated brain aging in middle age.

The study found that people with multiple sleep issues—such as difficulty staying asleep or early morning awakening—had brain scans indicating an older brain age compared to those with better sleep quality.

How sleep quality affects brain health

The study analyzed 589 participants, who were around 40 years old at the start, tracking their sleep quality over a span of 15 years.

Those reporting two to three poor sleep characteristics had an average brain age 1.6 years older than peers with fewer sleep problems, while participants with more than three issues showed a brain age 2.6 years older. Common sleep issues included short duration, low quality, and difficulty staying asleep.

Risks of accelerated brain aging

Experts note that premature brain aging can increase the risk of cognitive decline, memory problems, and neurodegenerative diseases like dementia. According to researchers, these findings highlight the importance of sleep for maintaining mental clarity and cognitive health as we age.

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