Texas Authorities Now Warning About Using These Lights


As Texas settles into fall and the changing of the seasons authorities want to remind you that the use of certain lights can not only be dangerous for your neighbors or yourself, but they are also highly illegal from a law enforcement perspective. As we are enjoying these cooler nights and mornings with long sunny and dry days, so are the roaming neighbors from across the state that do not get counted in our 30 million population estimate.

After spending a full day on Sunday at the Cameron Park Zoo, our party of five admired all kinds of wildlife from around the planet while also being reminded that the Texas wilderness also has thousands of species of animals.

Yamaha Whitetail Diaries YouTube/Canva

Now that it is fall in Texas, the outdoor enthusiasts are layering up in their best hunting gear in search for something trophy worthy especially among the massive whitetail deer population you will find throughout Texas Hill Country.

Texas Authorities Now Warning About Using These Lights

Of course gun season for deer hunting in 2024-2025 does not begin for another couple of weeks for youth, bow hunting opened up at the end of September. That means there will be plenty of hunters taking to the countryside to find that perfect buck to harvest, or doe if you are searching solely for venison.

No matter your reason for hunting, safety is always the most important, which is why the Texas Parks and Wildlife remind you that hunting deer at night and spotlighting, is not only illegal, but dangerous.

Dangerous, Exotic Animals You Can Now Legally Own in Texas

Texas has an estimated 7.2 million dogs, more than any other state. But perhaps you’re interested in branching out a bit and adding a less common exotic pet to your home…

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