I have the upmost respect for our law enforcement in Texas. They do a job that is scrutinized on a daily basis by a bunch of arm chair law schoolers. But just like an apple tree that is in grandma’s back yard, there will be a bad apple or two that is produced. Unfortunately, those one or two bad apples will make the whole tree seem like it tastes bad. Same goes for an officer on a police force, a prosecutor in a DA’s office or a judge behind a bench. There is a list that you can access freely that shows the crooked cops, prosecutors and judges that have been expelled in Texas and in East Texas.
Crooked Cops, Prosecutors and Judges
Crooked cops, lawyers and judges can pop up anywhere no matter how many good people are in that office. It only takes one person to make everyone else look like they are not doing their job properly. We’ve seen it on the nightly news, one officer makes a bad decision and suddenly they all are bad. It’s not the right mentality to take but it’s what we’re seeing. When one of those bad officers of the law are expelled from their position, it makes a big improvement to that agency.
The Giglio-Bradley List contains a list of crooked cops, prosecutors and judges from every state going back to 1990. All you have to do is type in the state and their name will pop up in the list. You will not see a picture, there are only a select few that will show which law enforcement agency they were expelled from and none show the charges they were found guilty of. You can see the list for Texas HERE.
Another List You Can See
There is another list you can scroll through that shows officers who have decertified. Going through the 71 pages of this list, there are 57 individuals who were expelled from East Texas law enforcement agencies:
David Michael Bacon – Kaufman Co. Sheriff’s Office – Revocation 12/3/2015…