Former Falls Assistant Fire Chief Sees Sexual Assault Charges Filed in Court on Wednesday

Accusations of sexual contact with a minor have resulted in a former assistant Sheboygan Falls Fire Chief being charged in court. 45-year-old John Albright appeared before Judge Rebecca Persick in Sheboygan County Circuit Court on Wednesday to have charges of 2nd Degree Sexual Assault of a Child read against him. He’s accused of having sexual contact with a minor at his home 16 years ago. Court documents indicate his accuser was 13 or 14 years old at the time.

Albright’s attorney filed a Not Guilty plea and requested a modification of his $150,000 cash bond to $18,000 while also being allowed contact with his son. Judge Persick found probable cause and Albright was bound over for trial under a modified bail of $50,000. He’ll not be allowed contact with minors other than indirectly…..

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