The winegrape harvest is alive in Lodi

The most crucial time of the season is happening now when winegrowers and winemakers are busy all day and all night to culminate a year of attention and hard work.

“This starts all the way back in January when my amazing vineyard staff comes in and we groom the vines, we feed the vines, we nurture them, we take care of them,” Kyle Lerner, owner, grower, and winemaker at Harney Lane Winery posted on social media. “We get them to their optimal performing levels. I’m super excited and I can’t wait to see what this vintage looks like.”

If you drive through Lodi this time of the year, especially in the morning, you might see harvesters, crews picking and loading grapes into bins, and trucks busily hauling gondolas full of winegrapes to wineries, where they will be sorted, crushed, and placed into storage vessels. And if you visit a winery this time of the year, you might catch the enticing, unmistakable aromas of fermentation…

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