Study reveals extent of health discrepancies for Black women

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A newly released survey is shining light on some of the health care disparities that Black women here in Ohio say they are facing firsthand. The survey got input from 500 women of color who live in Ohio’s big cities. Among the findings, more than half of the participants say they do not believe their health concerns are often listened to. While, nearly half of them say they feel discriminated against because of their race.

What You Need To Know

  • A new study has been unveiled showcasing health care disparities impacting women of color
  • 500 women participated in the study
  • Octavia Clay says she experienced health care disparities herself

“I’m just glad to be able to say that I’m alive today. I do have scars on my scars,” said Octavia Clay, Pastor, New fellowship Baptist Church.

Clay has had various health issues over the past two years. After going in for routine back surgery, she ended up in a coma for three months. She claims it is because of missteps her doctor at the time had made…

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