Florida could be doing so much more to counter climate change

Photo from Pixabay.com

I have a terrific moneymaking idea, and I’ll let you readers in on it.

I want to create and sell a desktop calendar called, “The Silliest Things Your Governor Has Said.” I know ours has produced more than 365 entries. The only snag in my plan is that I don’t know if the other 49 states have governors who are as inclined to say silly things as ours is.

Gov. Ron “Nobody Is Allowed to Vote for Things I Don’t Like” DeSantis has set a high standard for low-wattage intellectual expression. Our Ivy League-educated chief executive has provided us with an inexhaustible supply of unintentional hilarity, from his decision to sell his balls to finance his campaign to his claim that the solution to climate change is to burn MORE fossil fuels, not less…

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