Warrant reveals new details about alleged vehicle scam run by Stratford teacher using school equipment

The arrest warrant for a Stratford High School English teacher reveals new details about accusations he ran an extensive online scam with school equipment. School district officials said James O’Neil no longer works for the district. It follows an investigation into allegations O’Neil used school computers, printers and copiers to forge ownership documents for vehicles which he then sold illegally on Facebook Marketplace. O’Neil, 46, of West Haven, is charged with second-degree forgery, third-degree identity theft, illegally altering motor vehicle identification numbers and failing to have a license required for selling or repairing motor vehicles. Stratford police began investigating after an anonymous tip from another high school employee on Nov. 9, according to O’Neil’s arrest warrant. That person said O’Neil was altering vehicle bills of sale, insurance cards and other paperwork to sell the cars illegally on Facebook. The tipster provided supporting documents…..

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