What can you do if you smell your neighbor’s pot smoke? Can you call 911 in Georgia?

Good fences make good neighbors, or so they say. But what happens when the problem is the smell of marijuana smoke and it wafts over your fence and into your yard?

If your neighbors imbibe in marijuana and the smoke is making its way into your vicinity, there are some things you can do. Although Georgia passed the Georgia Smokefree Air Act , it doesn’t directly address marijuana. But the act does aim to regulate smoking in public places and workplaces.

To be clear, recreational marijuana use is illegal in Georgia, and the only approved use is low-THC for some medical instances, any smoking is prohibited in any form.

There is legal recourse

Because marijuana use is illegal in Georgia involving law enforcement could be an option. However, the penalties for making a false or erroneous call to 911 could be classified as a misdemeanor…

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