For This Week’s Open Thread, We’re Going to Stop Ignoring St. Paul

All four Racket editors live within a 12×15 block area of south Minneapolis. It’s safe to say that skews our perspectives a little—and our coverage.

In particular, we hear from St. Paul readers who, quite reasonably, want to read more about St. Paul. Personally, I get it. I grew up in New Jersey, which was perpetually overshadowed by that big city to the north of us. Being treated like a metro area’s kid brother is no fun.

We’ve even had a little fun with the fact that Minneapolis residents are clueless about our next door neighbor. So for this week’s Open Thread, we’d like to know: What should we write about St. Paul? If you live there, what do those of us on the other side of the river need to know. And if you don’t live there, what have you always wanted to know about our state capital…

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