St. Paul bank executive charged in alleged Duck Donuts franchise swindle

A St. Paul bank executive is accused of editing business documents to make it appear that two Duck Donuts franchises he sold were profitable, causing the buyer to lose an estimated $300,000, according to charges filed in Washington County District Court.

Justin Ansel Butler, 41, of Woodbury, sold the Duck Donuts franchises to another man. One is at 7455 Currell Blvd. in Woodbury and the other is inside the Mall of America in Bloomington.

Duck Donuts first opened in Duck, North Carolina in 2007, and has since expanded to over 100 locations nationwide. The Woodbury location opened in 2018 and remains operational. The second Minnesota location eventually opened at the Mall of America in 2021 after a two-year wait, but was evicted last May…

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