SYRACUSE – Syracuse Town Council members made quick work of the agenda Monday morning at a special meeting that was held to correct a few items.
First on the agenda was the economic development agreement with Storie Real Estate. When it came up at the regular meeting, Councilman Larry Siegel stated that it had Elkhart County as the entity giving the tax abatement instead of the town of Syracuse, so they tabled the issue. The change was made and on Monday morning the council members approved the economic development agreement.
In addition, they approved the declaratory resolution for tax abatement for Storie Real Estate for a lot in the Syracuse Technology Park. That was Resolution 2024-05. Clerk-Treasurer Virginia Cazier also brough the 2025 budget back to the council to be approved with a correction. Cazier had left off the adopted tax rate from the budget that was approved at the regular meeting on Oct. 15…