908th conducts first wing-wide combat readiness exercise at Maxwell in nearly five years

The 908th Flying Training Wing held a four-day multi-unit deployment readiness training exercise from Oct. 31 to Nov. 3, 2024, at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.

The purpose of the exercise was to demonstrate the wing’s ability to excel when exposed to difficult or stressful scenarios.

Real-world Readiness

Airmen from the 908th FTW recently experienced a simulated combat zone, testing the limits of Airmen and preparing them for real-world experiences.

“First and foremost, it is important that the players take the exercise seriously,” said Maj. Justin Bell, 908th FTW director of inspections. “This means showing a sense of urgency and remaining calm and collected under pressure. We expect that they are proficient at their specific jobs, so we add additional complications and/or tasks that challenge their ability to accomplish the mission. We want to see them overcome those challenges to accomplish the mission, learning throughout the process.”…

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