Demand for Blue Chirpers is up because drug use at Reed Park is increasing
McMahon says that demand for this deterrent has increased because of the worsening condition of the park and nearby area. Credit: Scott Snowden

Reed Park is on a lot of radars at the moment for all the wrong reasons. The park is home to the County’s needle distribution program drawing the ire of neighbors and some councilmembers.

It’s also a block from the recent murder of a homeless man prompting increased scrutiny from the Santa Monica Police Department. The attention is prompting increased demand from residents for home security measures, including a home-made anti-homeless device.

In May, we reported on the device invented by long-time Santa Monica local Stephen McMahon as a way to discourage the homeless from making camp and taking drugs in his building’s courtyard parking space and thus also preventing the inevitable repeat burglaries…

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