Stein delivers State of the State Address, recognizes local duo

RALEIGH — On Wednesday, March 12, North Carolina Governor Josh Stein delivered his first State of the State Address, highlighting the ongoing work to recover in western North Carolina, urging the General Assembly to invest in economic opportunity, workforce development, families and children, public schools and public safety. In the course of his speech, Stein recognized two of Avery County’s own for their roles in the days after Helene.

Ashley Cook and Freddy Carpenter of the Minneapolis community were both recognized in the General Assembly chamber during a joint session. The pair worked endlessly to help neighbors in the time of need, after disaster struck the area.

“In the days, weeks, and months that followed, I have seen, we all have seen, that the state of our state is strong. North Carolina strong, and that is because our people are strong,” said Governor Stein. “Ashley Cook is a lifelong resident of Avery County. Her life completely changed on September 27 when Hurricane Helene swept through her mountain town of Minneapolis. Her roof was damaged, but her neighbors got hit worse, so she immediately turned her attention to what they needed…

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