Anti-renter discrimination bills signed into law

LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) — Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed two anti-renter discrimination bills into law Thursday, to support previously-signed legislation.

These bills complement the previously-signed Senate Bills 205, 206, and 207 , which make it illegal for landlords with five or more rental units to deny housing based on source of income and amend Michigan civil rights law to include souce of income as a protected category regarding housing. HB 4062 and HB 4063 , signed by Whitmer on Thursday, allow for those who have suffered this income-discrimination to take legal action action against those responsible for doing so.

Landlords are still allowed to reqire a certain level of income to rent a unit, but they can not have specific requirements on where this income comes from—such as Social Security payments or vouchers…

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