E-Sports Arena Opens Doors in Downtown Riverside Wednesday

E-Sports Arena

RIVERSIDE (CNS) – Riverside County officials on Wednesday celebrated the opening of The Arena, an Office of Education development that will provide space for E-Sports competitions involving video gaming enthusiasts, as well as doubling as a sometime-conference center for county business.

“We are honored to open the doors of The Arena to current and future students in Riverside County who are connecting with one another and their school communities in exciting new ways through scholastic E-Sports,” Superintendent of Schools Edwin Gomez said. “This new facility provides a cutting-edge space for competitions, while extending the sense of belonging and connection for students who are interested in pursuing their gaming passions in high school, at the next level in college, or as a career pathway.”

The Arena, constructed on the site of a former conference center, boasts 4,000 square feet, featuring “retractable bleachers, customizable LED screens and lighting and simulcast capabilities for overflow spectators,” according to the Office of Education.

The agency said up to a dozen players engaged in E-Sports contests will have space for simultaneous engagements, which about 400 spectators will be able to observe…

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