Ohio Woman Trashes Priceless Halloween Decorations Made By Couple’s Deceased Son


I’m not sure exactly what was going through one Ohio woman’s mind after she trashed a couple’s Halloween decorations in their yard. But it had an immediate and devastating effect on the two. Neighbors captured the woman on video tearing down the decorations at the home of Shannon and Bill Zeller.

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“They said that somebody was in our yard and destroying all of our decorations,” said Shannon to 13 ABC. “I don’t know what it was. There were speculations. But I hope she gets the treatments that she needs.”

The incident happened on October 7, but the couple still isn’t over it. The woman spent half an hour in the yard of the Ohio home tearing up the decorations. The destruction totaled to $1,000 in damages, but according to the couple, some decorations were priceless. They were items made by their children over the years. The couple’s son is deceased, and they can’t get back these decorations.

Ohio Woman Destroys Decorations

“I cried like a baby, honestly. I cried like a baby and I felt bad over the memories that are attached to some of the items that she broke. You know, we have handmade stuff that we made with our children. Unfortunately, we lost our son in a motorcycle accident Nov. 3 and there’s a lot of memories here,” added Shannon.

Ultimately, authorities arrested 48-year-old Christina Horvath. They’ve charged her with criminal damage and theft. Apparently, she also allegedly stole several items as well. Just two weeks prior, authorities arrested the Ohio woman for throwing a rock in the windshield of a vehicle…

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