Cedar Hill Cemetery and Albert G. Horton Jr. Memorial Cemetery both had ceremonies on Saturday in honor of Wreaths Across America Day — a nationally recognized day that honors veterans by placing wreaths on their graves.
Mike Gooding from ABC13 was the master of ceremonies at Horton Cemetery. He highlighted some important statistics from the Department of Veteran Services: There are 676,000 veterans in Virginia, which is one in 11 people, and 9.2% of the state’s population. He continued to say Horton Cemetery is 74 acres and is home to over 14,000 deceased veterans and their spouses.
“We come together today to honor the generations of Americans who stood on the front lines of freedom,” said guest speaker, Captain David L. Gray. “Each wreath laid here today symbolizes a debt of gratitude we owe the more than 20,000 veterans and family members resting here. These wreaths show their loved ones and their community that they have not been forgotten.”…