Farmer City church making ‘blessing bags’ for expecting mothers

FARMER CITY, Ill. (WCIA) — Being a new mother can be hard — but one church in Central Illinois is giving them the essentials they need to start off on the right foot.

The Farmer City United Methodist Church is giving away blessing bags. They’ll have baby clothes, diapers and more to help prepare expecting mothers. The church said they heard this was a big need from people in the area.

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“I think it’s really popular and I hope it’s a powerful experience,” the church’s outreach co-chair Bethany Larson said. “We had ten ready to go at the beginning of the year. One has gone out. We have seven more that have been requested. It’s really great to see that kind of response. I think it speaks to what kind of a need if there is.”

Larson said the bags are available to any new moms living in the Blue Ridge School District. They’re hoping to follow-up with the people who get them and continue to give support…

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