Illinois’ Oldest Cemetery is One of the Most Haunted Spots in the Country

Illinois is home to some pretty rustic cemeteries, and the oldest one in our state may be so old that it’s allegedly haunted!

I love looking at spots that have a lot of history and stories to tell, and this cemetery in Decatur is certainly one of them. However, you can count me out on visiting the place if it’s genuinely haunted. I’m so not about that energy.

The Oldest Cemetery in The State of Illinois

I was sleuthing around on the internet because I was so curious about the oldest cemetery in the state of Illinois. Turns out, there’s some pretty interesting facts behind it!

When it comes to finding the oldest cemetery, they measure by dates on gravestones. While many Native American burial practices happened before this date, the oldest “modern” cemetery is Greenwood Cemetery in Decatur, Illinois. The oldest gravestone dating back to 1813 resides there today. Making the cemetery about 210 years old!…

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