California Police Dress Up Like Chickens To Catch Speeders

Cop-a-doodle-doo. The San Francisco streets became a bit more colorful over the past six months, and this past Monday, Lt. Jonathan Ozol wore a chicken costume to cross the street. Poetically, this “chicken” crossed the street for the only purpose of issuing tickets to all drivers who refused to yield to pedestrians.

But if you think there are only chickens roaming the streets of California, then you are wrong. For the past six months, a selection of the most colorful creatures have crossed the road in the hopes of not getting hit by incoming traffic. A unicorn, a “Sesame Street” Big Bird, you name it, they have you covered.

The method San Francisco police uses in this exercise is as follows. Lt. Ozol would enter the crosswalk and, should a driver not yield, Ozol would wave at two other officers. Then, one of these officers pulls over the driver in question and issues a citation – which could land them a 400-dollar fine…

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