Free Little Art Galleries brings inspirations, whimsy and community to your block. How to start yours

It is said that art is subjective, or something to that effect. But at its best, art also inspires community.

And that’s the aim for Free Little Art Galleries, or FLAGs as some fans call them.

What are they?

FLAGs have been around (unofficially) since 2020. They’re very much like little libraries or other small displays that house items for free or are donation-based. Some allow you to donate/leave art and/or take it home for yourself, in effect creating a community exchange.

I’ve browsed through several Instagram pages and some of the artwork is dope. Even the very amateur endeavors are inspiring. I’m amazed at how folks can paint, draw or create in smaller formats that’s not your usual gallery piece. Most accounts tag the artist, some of whom are professional, and you can follow them or maybe even pay for a larger piece. There are so many possibilities in the interaction with these homespun galleries (also the element of surprise is pretty sweet)…

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