Our City Council seems at odds with the concerns of the community, creating or ignoring more problems than they solve. They certainly are not taking care of the basics. One would think they are a re-development agency rather than representatives of the people in a democratic government. It had been hoped that district representation would lead to more focus on the needs of the town, but not so. Serious problems that affect the everyday lives of Carpinterians remain unresolved.
Polluted air from an out-of-control and unregulated cannabis industry continues to impact the health of city residents. The city fails to expand its borders and exert control while the county uses the Carpinteria Valley as a tax source leaving the city to bear the impacts.
Homeless are allowed free rein on our streets. Lack of affordable housing for locals breaks up families and drives the younger generations away. Commercial and homeless vehicles seek free parking in our residential neighborhoods at night. Rocks and debris are dumped on our beach destroying once great swimming, running, body surfing and boat launch. Poor enforcement of traffic laws has led to a free-for-all on the streets by e-bikes and careless drivers. Developers are buying up and destroying our downtown sector and small businesses cannot compete with the time and dollars it takes to endure the bureaucracy of government…