Is this ‘Right Turn Only’ sign in red letters on a white background enforceable?

Q: Carl Zitek of Moreno Valley asked about a sign he saw posted on a parking lot fence near the lot’s exit at an elementary school in the Jurupa Unified School District. The sign says, “Right Turn Only” in red letters on a white background.

Zitek asked if the sign is enforceable and whether a driver could receive a ticket for making a left turn out of the school parking lot, based on this sign. “It should be noted that it is often not safe to attempt a left turn exiting due to parked cars and the amount of traffic making visibility limited. A right turn requires caution as it is,” he said.

Zitek added that he believes the sign is probably meant to help the flow of traffic, although many drivers ignore it. He also said he has never seen any law enforcement personnel present issuing warnings or tickets to those turning left.
A sign is seen at the exit of a Jurupa Valley elementary school parking lot. A reader wonders if the sign is enforceable and whether a driver could be ticketed for making a left turn from the spot. (Courtesy of Carl Zitek)

A: This red-and-white sign is not an official black-and-white regulatory sign and so is most likely not enforceable, said California Highway Patrol Officer Dan Olivas of the Inland Division. He said it has to be a legitimate regulatory sign…

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