Annual Dinner and Golf Outing supports students in the McClure School

After 22 years, the Thomas Lonsbury Scholarship Event is still going strong in support of J. Warren McClure School of Emerging Communication Technologies students. The event was started in 2002 by Thomas Lonsbury, a passionate golfer who was a member of the McClure School advisory board. This year’s event was held on Sept. 19 and 20. Forty five people attended the formal dinner and 60 people participated in the golf outing, raising roughly $25,000.

“It was tremendously successful,” said McClure School Director Chip Linscott. “Along with our amazing students and highly accomplished faculty, the alumni board is the heart and soul of the McClure School. Historically, our alums support the school with their generous donations, but they also keep us on the cutting edge by mentoring our students from the classroom to the boardroom.”

The J. Warren McClure School Advisory Board Thomas Lonsbury Scholarship is available to McClure school students who are active in the field of voice/data networks, have a minimum 3.25 GPA, and have completed at least 12 credit hours in the major…

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