Creston News

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion.  There will be no service next week.

Florence Sandy, age 90, passed away at the Worthington nursing home in Parkersburg.  She was the daughter of Kelly Lockhart of Burning Springs and was the widow of Korean War vet Frank Sandy.  Burial was in the Rector cemetery.  Before marrying Frank she was Nellie Merrill’s hired girl back when Ed Merrill ran the Creston ferry and was assisted by Walto Boggs.

There were 212 riders on the Creston poker run.  Jake Mason from Long Bottom Ohio was first followed by Miranda Atkinson from Spencer (Triplett)and Jennifer Morgan from the State of Delaware.  Dee Myere won the 50/50.  All those who rode said they had a great time, beautiful scenery, game, water & mud to play in, etc.  Some got to use their winches to pull others through mud holes in a Roane County “highway”, one tipped on the side in a big gully going down into “Rock Camp and another tipped into one  of the “he man holes” that was covered by green pond scum.  Folks come from far & near to have a good time and the events maintain the community building and pay for Christmas and other parties for the children, Veteran’s Day, homecoming, etc..  The community would like to thank all those who came & rode, those who set up and took down the ride, cut out the trees, worked on the bad places, sent out the cards, filled out all the paperwork, cooked and served the food, set up and cleaned the building, donated the door prizes & the quilt, sold the tee shirts &all the rest.  Never the less, someone went out and changed the direction on a sign, painted over the arrows and painted one in the wrong direction causing some to go to Elizabeth and some to Lucille.  It is sad that there are those would work to cause problems for folks who are just out to have a good time with family and friends…

Story continues