Creston News Week of August 18th

A black pickup truck impaled on the guardrail at the top of the Creston Hill the other evening.

While the drought continues Creston & Burning Springs had some rain Saturday night & Sunday morning.  This time it was enough to settle the dust.

Lots of folks went to the Wirt County Fair and now it seems that, as a result, all too many acquired Dr. Fauci’s wonderful Wuhan Kung Flu virus.  He said the research was “worth the risk” and he became very rich.  So what if a few million died from his GMO virus; isn’t GMO supposed to be good?  The recent spread in Wirt County was so bad that the Wirt County Court House had to close on Friday and local stores had to call in employees who had scheduled to be off to cover for the sick.  Medical doctors continue to have their credentials revoked for questioning the vaccines or for using drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to treat the disease.  Bill Gates said there were too many people on earth, should be millions, not billions and a UK researcher did note that the “vaccine” is to “thin the herd”.  The government and Pfizer are still promoting “the jab”.  Of course now it is about “bird flu” and monkey pox – there was a case in Pakistan…

Story continues