Baltimore City State’s Attorney opposes automatic juvenile court start for cases

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WBFF) — As the 2025 legislative session unfolds, some top prosecutors are weary there could be changes to how young people face charges in Maryland.

Automatic charging of young people as adults, regardless of offense, has been an issue several Democratic lawmakers have pushed for without success in Annapolis. In 2022, Sen. Jill Carter, D-Baltimore City, introduced a law to criminal cases involving young people in the juvenile system, with the option of ‘waiving up’ to the adult system, or essentially petitioning the court to move the case to an adult system.

Like in years’ past, Sen. Carter’s bill in 2022 – and the cross-filed version in the House – did not make it through committee. However, after the 2024 session, Sen. Will Smith, D-Montgomery County, signaled a similar plan could be resurrected for 2025…

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