No, not R, but T. T Wharf used to extend out from what is now Christopher Columbus Park, as an extension to Long Wharf (which itself used to be a half mile long).
Over the centuries – it was built in the early 1700s, as a “T” connection to Long Wharf – T Wharf slowly changed purpose – from a general dock for all the ships at sea, to a home for the city’s new generations of Italian fishermen, to, finally, a home for beatniks and other non-traditionalists, who didn’t much mind when the wharf flooded and they’d have to row to their apartments, rather than walk down to them.
But by the late1950s, the wharf’s owner, Quincy Market Cold Storage & Warehouse Company, concluded the wooden structure was too rickety and decayed to save, evicted everybody, then tore it down in the early 1960s – although a small portion remains as the ferry dock. The company’s warehouse was itself torn down and made make way for Christopher Columbus Park, which opened in 1976…