A Minute with Drexel: Making an ordinary day exceptional

PENSACOLA, Fla. ( WKRG ) — Coming to you today from one of my favorite Gulf Coast parks, where I like to come to think, people watch, “water-watch” and just enjoy what I guess a lot of people would call some “ordinary” time.

I’ve been thinking about that word “ordinary” lately. I’ve recently heard a number of people say things like: “I live such an boring, ordinary life.” “Dinner tonight was just “ordinary” Or, “There was nothing special about today… it was just ordinary.”

I spent a day with some of my family this week. We sat around and talked, read to the toddler, fed the baby, burped the baby, changed the baby… folded some clothes, fixed dinner… you get the idea. I guess some might call that an “ordinary” or as one dictionary definitions reads: “unexceptional” day.  I disagree…

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