Located in the warehouse district of a historic urban downtown area of Pensacola, Florida, the new headquarters and robotics lab building for the Institute for Human & Machine Cognition embodies both familiar and exciting new imagery.
Researchers at IHMC pioneer technologies aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. Their human-centered approach often results in systems that can be regarded as cognitive, physical, or perceptual. The IHMC staff includes computer scientists, cognitive psychologists, neuroscientists, linguists, physicians, philosophers, engineers, and social scientists of various stripes.
Large interior spaces, some two stories high, are placed within the fenestration and the brick arcade.
Current active research areas include: artificial intelligence, cognitive science, knowledge modeling and sharing, human interactions with autonomy, humanoid robotics, exoskeletons, advanced interfaces and displays, cybersecurity, communication and collaboration, linguistics and natural language processing, computer-mediated learning systems, intelligent data understanding, software agents, expertise studies, work practice simulation, knowledge representation, big data and machine learning, as well as other related areas…