Stockbridge Select Board juggles Town Hall parking spots among Berkshire Hills School District, Tri-Town Health, city offices
This photo of a slide from Stockbridge Town Administrator’s Sept. 19 PowerPoint presentation depicts signage that may be posted at the Town Hall parking lot to identify areas designated for downtown patrons. The issue arose after the Tri-Town Board of Health was approved to relocate to the building, with the need to reorganize designated parking spaces on the site. Photo by Leslee Bassman.

Stockbridge — With Tri-Town Board of Health—the regional health department for Lee, Lenox, and Stockbridge—soon making the Stockbridge Town Hall its new home, the latter’s Select Board discussed how to make the site’s parking lot work, for not only its new tenant but also the Berkshire Hills School District that has taken up residency with a program in a downstairs meeting room, as well as the town’s police department, officials, employees, and general visitors. Their unanimous decision included adding signage to designate parking spots for the various users of the facility.

“With those different programs, we’re going to be having, [on] an average day, 11 more staff members,” Town Administrator Michael Canales said during the group’s September 19 meeting. “We need to figure out control of the parking around the building.”

Researching the issue, he came up with a plan to divvy up the parking lot’s 75 spaces to accommodate the additional vehicles: 15 undesignated parking places; 10 places for town employees; two places for building tenants; 14 places for Town Hall patrons, plus four handicapped places; 11 places for police vehicles; six places for Tri-Town Board of Health, plus a charging station; and 12 places for Berkshire Hills. The plan ensures the back parking lot is kept open for patrons of the facility, including seniors who may have mobility issues, since the main entrance is located behind the building and serves as a handicapped-accessible entrance, Canales said. The 15 undesignated parking spots are closest to the downtown area and can serve those shoppers and diners visiting that area of town, he said…

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