Sacramento ranks among top 5 cities with highest DUI rates, surpassing LA, SD, and Oakland

(US MEIDA GROUP) – It’s no secret that drinking and driving can result in serious consequences, but a recent study by Lending Tree has shed light on just how prevalent DUI cases are in some of the largest cities in the United States.

According to the study, Sacramento has ranked among the top five cities with the highest DUI rates, based on data from 50 cities across the country. The surprising ranking has placed the capital city above popular California destinations such as Los Angeles, San Diego, and Oakland.

For every 1,000 drivers in Sacramento, 1.31 have been found to be driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. The next highest city on the list is Raleigh, North Carolina, with a rate of 1.46 DUIs per 1,000 drivers…

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