Who’s acting governor while Gov. Whitmer is in Chicago for the DNC?

  • Gov. Whitmer and the five officials in line to be acting governor in her absence have all been at this week’s Democratic National Convention 
  • Five others, including state Treasurer Rachael Eubanks, are listed as emergency interim successors 
  • It’s uncommon for all individuals in the line of succession to be absent at the same time 

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the top five officials in line to take her place have been spotted at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. So who’s running the store in Lansing? So far, nobody’s saying.

Under Michigan law, Whitmer’s powers and duties devolve to others in the line of succession if she’s traveling out of the state or “suffering under an inability.”  

According to Article 26 of the State Constitution, Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist would be next in the line of succession, followed by Secretary Of State Jocelyn Benson and Attorney General Dana Nessel. Next in line would be Senate President Pro Tempore Jeremy Moss and House Speaker Joe Tate — but they all have attended at least some of the convention, which ends Thursday. …

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