The Paper Boy, part 20: What happened to the spirit of The Paperboy?

Looks to me like the media sold out and they’re completely politicized now and spinning, spinning, and spinning the truth to support a political cause. You could argue they sold out and the advertising is controlling them and you would not be wrong. The 60 Minutes segment that was selectively edited recently to favor a candidate is outrageous. This is the thing the good book warns us about regarding THE LOVE OF MONEY BEING THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. The media is supposed to be objective and truth seeking that’s their responsibility. Why do we watch the legacy media anymore?

Should we trust social media that does the same politicization under the guise of safety and security as they censor truth shadow banning people that don’t follow the “newspeak?” Should we trust the search results of companies that de-rank original source documents and point people to places where they make money? That’s anti-trust for sure and a company that used to say do no evil is one of the worst offenders. It’s rich to think you can trust them after they rejected the original charter. This looks a lot like the modern day book burning. The misinformation disinformation campaigns are destroying the country as they destroy objective truth for a political cause and profit at your expense. They say it’s for safety but they’re lying. Those seeking power and censoring are never the good guys. What do misinformation and disinformation have in common? DECEPTION. Imagine now for just a moment the psychological projection of those pointing to misinformation and disinformation are themselves fomenting the same. These purity spirals destroy truth and meaning and FAVOR EXTREMISM IN BOTH DIRECTIONS, LEFT AND RIGHT. It’s almost like it’s on purpose?

Independent media is beginning to thrive again in response to the American PRAVDA’s. The spirit of decentralization seems to be alive and well. The cable news networks all went to the centralization mode and now we see that collapsing in on itself. The internet is creating a space for the modern public square where people can be independent again searching for truth and information on anything you can imagine. The true promise of the internet is beginning to emerge and it will cause us all to start thinking critically again. Discernment required as it should be, as it has always been since the beginning of time…

Story continues