Your winter yard holds gems for making homestead staples

Homestead BDN’s Homestead section is a celebration of rural life. Our writers cover small farms, animals, DIY solutions and fascinating Maine people who find unique ways to live simply. Read more Homestead stories here .

The dead plants in your yard right now are useful in one way you’re probably familiar with: providing nutrients and enriching the soil as they decompose.

But there are also ways to use them to create practical, simple things for everyday life, and this is the time of year to try it. Here are a few exciting ideas to get you thinking about new uses for things you see in the winter landscape.

Plant stalk fibers

Milkweed, nettle and dogbane are familiar plants with a surprise inside their stalks. They’re a few of the species containing fibers that, when dead and dry, can be used to make rope, cords, plant ties, candle wicks and even rough woven fabric. Called “ bast fibers ,” they’re related to jute, hemp and flax (which is processed into linen)…

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