Billboards Across San Diego and Other Cities Invite Community to ‘Welcome Migrants with Dignity’
San Diego, California Via Pexels

A series of pro-immigrant billboards have started to appear in cities like San Diego, urging communities to “welcome migrants with dignity” as the political rhetoric around immigration seems to be heating up with the elections less than three weeks away. The initiative is authored by Pennsylvania-based American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization that promotes peace, social justice, and humanitarian service.

Besides the three billboards already put up in San Diego, the month-long campaign will also feature similar ads in New Jersey, Colorado, New Hampshire, Florida, and Oregon. The campaign will also feature radio ads.
Pro-immigrant billboard in San Diego Salvador Rivera / Border Report

The billboards are meant to call attention tothe basic human and civil rights of migrants, as Pedro Rios, director of AFSC in San Diego told Border Report:

“Political candidates are saying one thing, others are saying another thing, but often times it’s not based on experience of dealing with migrants. I believe that most people, when they develop a relationship and understanding about what other people have gone through, walking in their shoes, they will understand why people are forced to leave their country seeking something better”…

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