Community, businesses offer overwhelming support for Millbrook’s Operation Blue Santa

Millbrook Police Department

For the ninth consecutive year, the Millbrook Police Department, in partnership with Punishers Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club Three Rivers Chapter, American Legion Post 133, Pest Pro, along with a host of other area businesses, churches, civic organizations and our citizens have been collecting donations of money and gifts for our Operation Blue Santa Campaign, which enables us to assist area families in need, by providing Christmas gifts to area children that may not otherwise receive a gift during Christmas due to their circumstances.

Throughout the year, organizations like the Punishers, American Legion Post 133, and Pest Pro have conducted fund raisers, such as motorcycle rides, spaghetti dinners or toy drives, all in Support of our Operation Blue Santa campaign. The funds raised are used to purchase toys and other Christmas gifts for children up to age 15, who reside in our community. Our department receives applications from area families in need, with many being referred to us from local churches and civic groups that are familiar with their needs. These applications help us determine the number of children in each family, their age and what the needs are…

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