Cottonwood City Council tables vote to convert Clubhouse in Old Town into a museum
The Cott onwood City Council tabled discussion on the possible future of the Cottonwood Clubhouse during a regular meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 3, to a possible future date after the Nov. 5 election. The council discussed the possibility of turning the historic building into a museum and welcome center. The building is currently used as an event space for use by the city or rent to the public. Daulton Venglar/Larson Newspapers

During its Sept. 3 meeting, the Cottonwood City Council bowed to unanimous public opposition and tabled a staff proposal to convert the Cottonwood Community Clubhouse in Old Town into a museum and welcome center to await the incoming City Council in November.

At the start of the meeting, Vice Mayor Debbie Wilden noted that when council had previously addressed the proposal in July, it had been deferred to a work session scheduled for the second week of September and made a motion to defer discussion of the topic until that work session. The motion failed 5-2, with only Wilden and Mayor Tim Elinski supporting it.

Acting City Manager and Utilities Director Tom Whitmer presented city staff’s plan for the clubhouse renovation, which would involve the Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce moving into part of the space to operate a welcome center, as well as the installation of historical displays…

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