Shekarchi seeks to change state laws that regard pets as property

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) — R.I. House Speaker Joseph Shekarchi is calling for change after a mistake made during a routine medical procedure two years ago caused the death of a Lincoln woman’s dog.

Kristen Breton and her two daughters have filed a lawsuit against the veterinarian who spayed and performed a gastropexy on their St. Bernard puppy after a pair of hemostats and a wad of medical-grade gauze were found in her abdomen. The dog, named Princess Freckles, became gravely ill and had to be humanely euthanized last spring.

RELATED: Lincoln family sues vet after surgical tools found in dog’s abdomen

Breton is seeking compensatory damages for her financial losses, since the law generally regards dogs as personal property.

“We filed this lawsuit to shine a light on the malpractice that happened,” her attorney Marshall Raucci said. “This should have never happened because doctors, especially surgeons, have to adhere to the standard of care.”…

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