Could Colorado Be Closing the Door on Remote Work?

Remote work is extremely common in Colorado these days. However, remote work is not for everyone. I don’t believe that I could ever work fully remotely. My better half on the other hand works nearly fully remote. She commutes from our home in Fort Collins to Denver about once a month.

At first, I was a bit skeptical of fully remote work. I imagined workers taking advantage of their freedom. However, after working remotely during the pandemic, I have found it to be more efficient and productive.

Would you ever work remotely? Remote work allows employees to work anywhere. A lot of people travel the country seamlessly while not missing any time at work or taking paid time off.

Working remotely isn’t for everybody though. I do some of my work remotely, but mostly in the office.

Remote Work: How Many in Colorado?

Over 30 percent of the workforce in Colorado works at least partially remotely. This means that these workers do have the ability to work from home in some capacity…

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