Milwaukee mayor rappels down building for Historic Milwaukee celebration

The beautiful belaytionship between the organization Historic Milwaukee and the city from which it is named was celebrated by city officials, including Mayor Cavalier Johnson, by rappelling down the side of the Milwaukee Athletic Club Sunday.

Historic Milwaukee has now been around for half a century, and to celebrate, several rappelling spectacles took place to raise money for the organization. Fire Chief Aaron Lipski and the Milwaukee Bucks’ mascot Bango rappelled down the side of the building Friday.

The pair had a little better luck with the weather because it was a bright and sunny Friday afternoon. Johnson had to be more careful Sunday, but in a release the organization let everyone know the rappelling event would take place, “rain or shine.” Grace Fuhr
Mayor Johnson rappelling for a cause.

Johnson could be seen bouncing down the side of the athletic club with the assistance of the special events company Over the Edge, whose certified rope technicians made sure everyone was safe…

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