Folsom National Charity League seeks new mother-daughter members

Back in August, the Folsom Chapter of National Charity league Inc. (NCL) held their annual Fall Kick Off Meeting. The local chapter of the national mother-daughter volunteer organization had over 200 members in attendance. The group is composed of mothers and their daughters, grades 7 to 12, from the surrounding communities and they are taking applications now for more members.

Last year, as a group, Folsom NCL completed 3941 community volunteer hours in and around Folsom. The National Charity League awards their members for their dedication to philanthropy over the course of a year. At the Fall Kick Off Meeting, three daughters from the Folsom chapter, Lameese Batarseh, Sydney Wilson, and Ella Botelho earned the Yellow Rose Bouquet Award by volunteering over 100 hours; Sydney Wilson also won the Merci Award (most hours in a chapter year) for completing 108.5 volunteer hours. In addition, 37 Moms and daughters earned Mother-Daughter Awards by completing over 25 hours of philanthropy together.

Some of these local charities served include City of Folsom, Prairie City Landing Assisted Living, Powerhouse Ministries, Soil Born Farms, Fat Kitty City, Snowline Hospice, Twin Lakes Food Bank and Troopathon. The chapter also participates in the National Charity League’s National Philanthropy Initiatives supporting the American Heart Association, the Alzheimer’s Association, and Operation Gratitude…

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