Desis On The Balllot: Ibrahim Bashir, Los Altos City Council

Who is Ibrahim Bashir?

Ibrahim Bashir is running for Los Altos City Council because, according to his website, it’s the only place he’s ever truly felt at home. He’s raising his three kids here and sending them to local public schools.

Born in Saudi Arabia to Pakistani immigrants, Ibrahim’s father brought the family to the US in pursuit of a better life and education. Despite moving around the country and never quite feeling at home, Bashir says, he learned the value of hard work, perseverance, and community from a young age.

Why he is running for office

After encountering city bureaucracy while undertaking a home renovation, Bashir sought ways to get involved and make the city better. That led to an appointment on the city’s library commission where Bashir discovered that progress was often slowed down by resistance to change. While the city has made some progress in recent years, with plans for downtown, housing, and climate action, significant work remains to fully realize the community’s vision. That’s why he is stepping up to run for City Council. On his website, Bashir states, “When something in your home is broken, you don’t play the blame game. You fix it.” That’s exactly what he intends to do on the city council.

Bashir has received endorsements from Los Altos Town Crier, local firefighters, the Democratic Party, and Planned Parenthood, among others.

If elected his priorities will be


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